Everest North Col Expedition
Everest North Col Expedition

Everest North Col Expedition

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Trip at a Glance
Duration42 Days
Best TimeAll Seasons

Everest North Col Expedition with View Nepal Treks offers an adventure of a lifetime experience to hardy climbers, mountaineers, and adventure on world highest Mt. Everest from Tibet North route, where you will be atop and standing at 8,848 m / 29,028 ft high. Certainly an overloaded adventure with full of challenge, experiencing physical, mental and your skill in the art of mountaineering sports on this classic climb to Mt. Everest from North Col with the expert guidance of View Nepal Trek staff and veteran guides.

Since early as 1950’s many mountaineers tried to climb this world highest mountain from both side, in 1953 was the big year when British Expeditions led by Sir John Hunt Expeditions acclaimed fame with legendary and late Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, the first two stand on top of world high Mt. Everest, from then other mountaineers followed suit. From North Col of Everest, much safer climbing than from South Face due to tremendous dangerous Khumbu Ice Fall route, the climb from Tibet North Side is totally different, demanding a lifetime experience with unexpected delightful challenges. Climbing Mt. Everest with View Nepal Treks will be the safest and enjoyable adventures, as we provide expert logistic support throughout the climb with full safety measure accompanied by veteran climbing guides who have climbed Everest several times from both sides including other high mountains.

Starting with the scenic flight to Lhasa, and in Lhasa where our exciting tour leads to the magnificent Potala Palace and other interesting places within Lhasa. After a wonderful time in Lhasa heading towards our destination to North Everest Base Camp for the classic climb visiting historical town and cities of Shigatse and Gyantse with a tour of the famous Tashilumpo monastery complex.

Trip PlanExpand all

At Kathmandu international airport you will be well received by View Nepal staff and then transfer you to your hotel in the hub of Kathmandu city, with the briefing of Kathmandu and adventure from Lhasa to Kathmandu with Everest expeditions, includes welcome dinner in an authentic Nepalese restaurant with cultural / folk programs.

Max Altitude: 1400 m Meals: DinnerAccommodation: Hotel/Lodge

Morning our city guide will pick you for half day tour around Kathmandu places of interest, as Kathmandu valley steeped with historical monuments with world heritage sites with afternoon free preparation for Lhasa and Everest Expeditions.

Max Altitude: 1.400 m Meals: BreakfastAccommodation: Hotel

Today you will be fully engrossed with Everest Expeditions programs and activities with final briefing and orientation for the trek and climb and knowing each member of the team including guides and other staff. We have reserved a day more to provide enough time for packing and buying extra gears or shopping for the expeditions. View Nepal office and field staff along with the leader of the team will use this day to obtain permits and necessary documentation for Tibet and Mt. Everest North Col Expeditions.

Max Altitude: 1,400 m Meals: BreakfastAccommodation: Hotel

Morning as per the flight to Lhasa transfer to Kathmandu international airport, during an hour airborne mind-blowing views of world’s highest mountains with Mount Everest at its closest, this super flight touches down at Gongar Airport which is just an hour drive to Lhasa city. At Gongor airport well received by our Tibetan guide and drivers for a pleasant drive into the heart of Lhasa city. Afternoon relaxes at this high altitude of 3,650 m and takes a short walk around the Barkhor market square where hotels are located.

Max Altitude: 3,656 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

In Lhasa busy with interesting tour of Drefung Monastery one of the largest in Tibet, as well important old monastery of Tibet actually a collage and a university for Tibetan Buddhism in earlier days. After Drefung, tour of Jorkhang Temple which is another important and interesting site to visit as it boasts historic importance and tales of old days. Our guide will take you on tour to famous and magnificent Potala Palace, originally built during 640 AD. Potala Palace the landmark of Lhasa and Tibet dominates the Kyuchi or Lhasa valley. The 13 storied palaces with 1,000 room stands at 117.19m high include 1000 rooms. Afternoon tour of another interesting and important Shera monastery and watch young monks in debates one of the high light of the visit.

Max Altitude: 3,656 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Hotel/Lodge

From Lhasa drive to Shigatse city via Gyantse a scenic drive to leads over Khamba-la 4,800m with great views of Tibetan landscapes, then towards Yamdrok Tshso “The Torquoise Lake” and drive over Karo-La at 5,050m with views of Nazong-Khangtsa peak, after a great drive of five hours reaching at Gyantse tour of Phalkor Monastery, Kumbum Stupa (time permitting). From Gyantse a short drive of few hours to Tibet’s 2nd biggest city Shigatse after Lhasa. The hotel in Shigtase is quite large and comfortable.

Max Altitude: 3,900 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

In Shigatse tour of Tashilumpo monastery, a traditional seat of Panchen Lama (2nd high order after Dalai Lama) this monastery contains a 27m high gold plated Buddha known as Mytaria (the future Buddha), afternoon visit the local market.

Max Altitude: 3,900 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

After breakfast, morning walk downhill into lovely rhododendron and pines forest, a nice trek and then over a bridge above Imja Khola. From here a gradual uphill to Pangboche village, last permanent village before Everest Base Camp and Island Peak climb. From here walking up at exposed area with views of Mt. Amadablam and then last up and downhill to Pheriche for the overnight stop.

Max Altitude: 4, 350 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

From this windy and isolated town, our route leads away from main highway towards North Everest base camp and Rongbuk area, as the drive leads on top Pang-la pass with super panorama of world highest peaks including Mt. Everest, Makalu, Cho-Oyu and adjoining peaks, from here descend to Tashi Dzong village to reach Rongbuk Monastery and its many smaller hermitage caves. This holy and remote spot was first introduced to the world in 1920's by 1st British expedition teams of George and Irving Mallory and well-known novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton.
At present most of the retreat cells are abandoned with only a few small shrines scattered at end of the valley. According to Rimpoche (high priest and saint) of this area, the monastery was first established as a religious site around 250 to 350 years ago. From Rongbuk, a short drive of 20-30 minutes to Everest North Base Camp, here meet our camping staff and guides and retire into a spacious cozy tent with dinner served by our camping Nepali chef.

Max Altitude: 4,950 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

Today after gathering all climbing gears from the trucks busy sorting out the equipment and planning with few practices before the final event to the top of world number one peak.

Max Altitude: 4,950 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

After packing loads for the yaks head to advance base camp, which is 22 km up the valley, requiring two days to reach. There are easy walks to do back to the Monastery and towards the mountain, but rest is the key to acclimatization at this point.

Max Altitude: 5,800 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Camping

On the walks fabulous view of Everest North Face and then later in the day before reaching intermediate camp, setting camp by the river at the halfway point, then set off early in the morning with the yaks on the second day to allow plenty time in the afternoon to set up a temporary of rudimentary camp at Advance Base Camp the highest camp on walks at 6,550 m.

Max Altitude: 6,550m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Camping

From this high Advance camp preparation for the final climb to the summit encountering great technical effort through ice-rocks and snow an incredible experience. Our North Col climbing route will be taken care by our climbing guides and staff in keeping the route safe with necessary secure measure taken, from here needs positive attitude with physical and mental effort to attempts this climbing adventure. 20 days for climb from ABC as the climb follows moraine towards North Col and over glacier at about 300 meters of fairly deep snow climbing leads to the Col at 7,066 m. The Col a fairly wide ridge which has enough space for tents, this will be Camp I. To the south, the Col rises to become the North Ridge. This is straight-forward snow climbing, eventually steeping into rocky shelves and short buttresses.
A second camp will be placed at around 7,700 m. The route to the North East Ridge leading from the top of the North Ridge to the summit will depend on conditions favorable climate conditions. From the camp following North Ridge to the crest of the North-North-East Ridge or make a rising traverse to the right to reach the ridge at a higher point. Last camp will be placed at around 8,300 m. The final section of the climb takes in first and second steps, a short but abrupt rises on the North-East Ridge, which will provide climbing at extreme altitude! It was on 2nd step that Mallory and Irvine were last seen before they disappeared in 1924. The final climb leads to cross last section on steep step to reach the top summit. As per favorable weather conditions follow our lead guide and leaders to the summit on top of the world at 8,848m (29,028 ft.). Some have measured as 8,850 m high but not yet confirmed. After a mind-blowing experience of life time adventure feeling high on top of the world descend back safely towards Advance camp using few camps on route downhill.

Max Altitude: 6,550 to 8,848 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Camping

All loads must be carried down at this time this includes garbage picking and clearing the litters along the route downhill.

Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Camping

This day all climbing party and the member including guide and staff should have reached at base camp on this day, to assist packing equipment and checking each member health condition after the great classic climb and to organize departure from Everest base camp to Kathmandu.

Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House

Start packing the climbing gears and disposing of garbage in proper sites, where CPPC (China / Chomolungma Pollution Control) will check the camp and depositing the litter to take away from the base camp to disposal sites or back to Kathmandu. Prepare everything for an early departure the next morning.

Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

After exciting time with super adventure on top Everest, morning a long drive to reach Zangmu a border town, from Rongbuk after few hour drive joining the main road Lhasa / Kathmandu highway at Old Tingri. After a short stop continue drive heading over scenic Laylung pass at 5,050 m, with views of snowcapped peaks that borders Nepal and Tibet. After enjoying the views downhill to Nylam town and into forested area on leaving high and Tibetan dry plateau, drive leads through green forested area with views of beautiful waterfalls, after few hour drive from Nylam reaching Zhangmu town for last overnight stop in Tibet.

Max Altitude: 1,940 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

Morning as per China Beijing Standard Time (of 2:15 minutes ahead than Nepal standard time) after passport and visa formalities, a short drive leads at Friendship Bridge separating Tibet / China with Nepal territory. At the bridge bidding farewell to our Tibetan guides and driver, then walk into Nepal soil for the drive to Kathmandu, on reaching Kathmandu transfer to your hotels with afternoon free for individual activities and shopping.

Max Altitude: 1400 m Meals: B-L-DAccommodation: Tea House/Lodge

A spare day in Kathmandu in case of bad road conditions on drive due to landslide which might occur, as the Himalayan roads can be unpredictable sometimes if all goes well have a free day or sightseeing tour of Kathmandu-Patan and Bhaktapur. We have allowed two days after Tibet as reserve day and as well to submit expeditions report to concern department regarding the climb and activities of the expeditions.

Max Altitude: 1,400 m Meals: BreakfastAccommodation: Hotel

Today, your last day in amazing Nepal with great experience and fond memories of Mt. Everest North Col Expeditions, as per your time for international flight, View Nepal staff transfer you to airport for your final departure homeward bound or to your next destinations.

Max Altitude: 1,400 m Meals: BreakfastAccommodation: Hotel
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Cost Details
  • All arrival and departure transportation airport / hotel / airport.
  • Three Star (Tourist Standard) hotel in Kathmandu with bed / breakfast basis.
  • A guide who can speak English and government licensed.
  • Climbing certified Sherpa for climbing
  • Porter (2 clients: 1 porter).
  • Food in Trekking (B-L-D).
  • Lodge accommodation during trekking.
  • Applicable TIMS (Trekking Information Management Systems) card.
  • National Park permit for Sagarmatha national park
  • Domestic airfare as per the itinerary Kathmandu / Lukla / Kathmandu and trips briefing with full information and reconfirmation of your international air tickets also.
  • Full board trek basis includes (B-L-D) on Lodge accommodation during trekking and tent in climbing period.
  • Necessary camping equipment like dining tent. clients tent, toilet tent, kitchen utensils etc.
  • Service of trekking guide and porter daily wages-medical insurance, meals, and transportation allowance.
  • Welcome or Farewell dinner in Kathmandu at authentic Nepalese restaurant with cultural programs.
  • Note: We strongly advise you to take out personal travel insurance.
  • Nepal Visa-International airfare-personal travel / medical insurance.
  • Nepal Visa-International airfare-personal travel / medical insurance.
  • Emergency evacuation by any means of transportation including Heli services and personal medical kit.
  • Tips for guide and porter.
  • Early return from the trip due to personal / medical problem in this case clients should bear his / her own expenses on return from trek and in Kathmandu including expenses of accompanying guide / porters.
Route Map
Everest North Col Expedition
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Bhupendra Adhikari
Bhupendra Adhikari
+977 9851029611
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