Hotel Booking

View Nepal Trek and Expedition offers hotel booking services 

Why Book Hotels Through View Nepal Treks and Expeditions?

Expertise: We know the best accommodations for You in towns like Kathmandu and Pokhara, ranging from luxury to more affordable options.

Pre-Arranged Logistics: Finding accommodation in rural places or along popular trekking routes can be difficult, particularly during high season.  We have arrangements with local tea houses or lodges to ensure you always have a resting place.

It is tailored to your itinerary. We select lodgings that fit your schedule, whether before the journey in Kathmandu or Pokhara or after a long trek in the Everest or Annapurna regions.

Seamless Experience: Your lodgings will be organized from arrival in Nepal to the finish of your trek, allowing you to focus on the adventure rather than logistics.


Types of Accommodation Offered

  • City Hotels: We offer bookings in well-rated Hotels in cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara. These range from luxury stays to comfortable mid-range options.

  • Teahouses and Lodges: For trekkers on routes like Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit, and Langtang, We arrange stays at tea houses or Lodges along the trekking paths, providing basic lodging with meals.

  • Post-Trek Relaxation: We offer hotel bookings for a relaxing post-trek stay, where trekkers can unwind in luxury or comfort after a challenging journey.

Benefits of Booking Through Us?

  • No Hassle: Everything is arranged in advance, including permits, transfers, and hotels, leaving You free to focus on your adventure.

  • Local Knowledge:  We have insider knowledge of the best places to stay along the trekking routes, often securing the best rooms or deals.

  • Discounts: We have agreements with hotels and teahouses, offering discounted rates to you.

Booking your hotel through us ensures a smooth experience from start to finish, giving You peace of mind and allowing you to focus on the adventure ahead. Whether you’re looking for luxury, comfort, or basic stays, we have you covered.